Friday, May 1, 2009


I'm talking about toilet paper. I posted a while back about how I could not believe how much toilet paper we go through in this house and I certainly don't think that we can blame Corey! After witnessing the girls using an obscene amount of tp we decided to have a little talk with them. Corey took them in the bathroom and counted 4 squares and showed them what it 4 squares looks like "that's all you get" he said. He then proceeded to tell them that if we caught them using more than 4 squares that he was going to take it out of their allowance and they would be buying the toilet paper. I had to turn my head to keep from laughing in front of them because this is totally something my dad would have told us girls when we were growing up!

Aly is taking to the 4 square challenge quite nicely. We were using the restroom at Target today and she counted off 4 squares after she did her business. How nice of her to save Target money...they can afford it with their cheap tp, it's not as if we don't spend enough there already!


michelle said...

I made the mistake of telling my hubby about your hubby's rational rationing idea. He likes it. Uh oh. I do think it's cute, but I'm not a fan of following any new rules in the Hodge household!

I hope you're feeling great. You looked great in the March for Babies photo. I know you were seated, but you can't even tell you're about to have a baby!

jamie said...

OMG!!! Last night when we went to the recplex I had to convince Ash that it was okay to use the tp that I had in my hand. It was a continuous roll! She said "no, mommy & daddy say use only 4" Now I understand why!
Love You,