Tuesday, April 28, 2009

March for Babies and other stuff

So last week was crazy busy with the doctor appointments, meetings and March for Babies event. The event was Saturday and went really great although it seems as though it's taking me some extra time to recover.

Part of this tiredness is probably coming from the fact that I've had quit my morning cup of Joe! The heartburn I've had lately has been awful and coffee does not help! I'm sailing through week 33 with flying colors and finally feel as though I can see the light at the end of the tunnel! I've actually been able to joke (instead of cry) about "being the size of a small hippo" and all these other fun pregnancy things. I am really wanting to start getting things ready for the baby...hopefully we will have time within the next few weeks to start rearranging furniture, cleaning the baby gear, get the bed ready, etc. I guess nesting is starting to kick in although I don't have a big desire to clean the house...yet.

Here are a few pics from the March this past weekend. The girls are so adorable at these events...I'm sure Aly will grow up and work in non-profit like her Mamma. She enjoys handing out literature, helping people get to where they need to go, handing out stickers to the kids, etc. I can tell she's proud of what I do now if I could just get her to quit calling it the HEARTWALK that would be good!


Constance said...

Jenn you have always been and continue to be:
Love, MOm

Jessica Leija said...

Holy Ta-Ta's! Are you just trying to make me jealous!? LOL! Seriously though...you look AWESOME!