Thursday, November 20, 2008

Stealing Chicken

Yea, you're lucky, two posts in one day. I have this story I have to share. So I am totally peeved right now. The girls and I just got back from Wal-Mart and after spending $258 there the express lane checker pretty much accused me of stealing $1.64 worth of popcorn chicken. I am mad and embarrassed all at the same time.

When the girls and I do big shopping I usually get them a lunchable or something while we are shopping so I don't have to worry about lunch once we get home. It's a big enough job to unload all the crap let alone listen to two girls whining about how hungry they are (even though the eat goldfish all the way through the store).

Today I decide to get them some popcorn chicken and mac & cheese from the deli counter. As I'm in the checkout line this lady and her two preschool age girls were in front of us. Here kids are acting all crazy (of course mine never act crazy in Wal-Mart) and they knock over the popcorn chicken. Well the brilliant inventor who invented the container thought it would be better to create a lid with a hole in the top...I guess for steam to escape but on a day like today I think that's a stupid idea, who cares if it gets soggy, the kids will still eat it. Back to the story, a few pieces fall out so I tell the checker "just go ahead and ring this one up twice and I'll grab another container on my way out".

After I've completely checked out we go to the deli counter and I have my receipt in my hand as proof that I've paid for two. I told the lady working the deli counter what happened, we both laugh, I hand the chicken to Aly to put in the bag and all is merry, right? WRONG! The checker working the express lane yells out in a really snotty voice "Ma'am, did you pay for that". I turned around, looked at her and said "Yes, that's why I have my receipt in my hand, would you like to see it...would you like to see it".

It took everything in me not to go back in there and tell her off. The more I thought about it the more steaming mad I got. In front of a ton of people and my kids she basically accused me of stealing some "finger lickin' good" chicken. Give me a flippin I said before I had just spent $258 if I was going to steal something it darn well better be something better than popcorn chicken.

This is probably not as big of a deal as I'm making it out to be so if any of you out there think I'm making too big of a deal about this we can just blame it on my hormones, I only get nine months to use the "pregnancy card". I guess I'll take my pregnant self downstairs and unload all of these groceries by myself...but not before I enjoy some of the "stolen" chicken.


The Ellis Family said...

If it makes you feel better, my pregnancy hormones think you have every right to be upset! I felt my face getting hot just reading it! I think you handled it better then I would have!

Constance said...

OOHH Girl, I know where you get it from and I'm not even pregnant! I could use the menopausal card I suppose!

I have discovered that, in the words of Charlie's first grade teacher, I "have a strong sense of justice". Jeeez I know where HE gets it from! I have such a moral compass that I am highly insulted that someone would hint that I had done something wrong or I get highly agitated when others don't "follow the rules". I would have been a great Pharisee in the Bible!
Love, Mom

Next time, stuff a couple of steaks under your maternity shirt and give me a call. I'll be over for dinner about 11 hours later!

Anonymous said...

I'm dying!!! :) lol Can you believe the two of us upstanding girls "stealing"?!?!
