Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Not Snot

In response to Mom's comment I switched the family pic from my sister's wedding. No, that wasn't snot on Aly's nose...Jess said there was something on her lens that she would have to photoshop out.


The Ellis Family said...

If it makes you feel any better, I never saw anything on her nose. Maybe it's my cheapo computer screen, or the blurred vision from this pregnancy!! LOL who knows! You made me feel better when you said I have 13 weeks left. That doesn't sound quite as long as 3 months. Everyone tells me how fast this pregnancy is going for them, but for me its FOREVER long!! So I need to be looking at weeks instead of months! Don't worry, you're pregnancy will just fly by for me! Hahaha

Constance said...

Oops! Jess told me it was a dust spot and not snot! Good old photo shop, maybe she can take some wrinkles and punds off of me from our pics from the wedding! Ha Ha!
Love, Mom