Friday, February 1, 2008

It's Friday!!

We all know what that means...Daddy comes home tonight, yea! Aly has learned and recognizes the entire alphabet. These last two days have been a breeze for her and tonight we are taking her out to get her special prize. I'll post an update so that you all can see what she picked out. I already know what she's getting but it will be a surprise to all of you. I've been able to use this prize as a motivator in order to get her to stop fighting with her sister. You'd be surprised how much these two argue, fight and scream, already, at 1 and 3 (although they will be 2 & 4 later this month).

This week went by pretty fast, I still didn't get the bathroom painted, the closets packed, etc. Maybe I'll get to some of it today, I doubt it though, today is cleaning day. Oh well, there's always next week.

We had a fun time in STL this week. I took Aly to dance class at the studio where I used to work and take dance. She loved it! They did tumbling, tap and ballet. She did an awesome job and I'm not just saying that because I'm her Mom. Her recital dance is to Cruella De Ville and her costume is so cute! We have the Disney cd's and she listens to Cruella all the time so when she found out she was dancing to it she was pumped! The other best part is that we get free tuition! That's what I'm jazzed about! Ms. Kathy said we were not paying and told the office mom "do not take any money from her". Ah, the favor of God!!! We looked at houses and have an appointment next Tuesday to talk more in depth about a spec home that we may put a contract on. After we ate we went back to Grandma & Grandpa's to hang out and spend the night.

So now it's Friday and it's Superbowl weekend. We are looking forward to a nice, relaxing weekend.

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