Monday, February 4, 2008

Going to the Chapel and We're Gonna Get Married!

My baby girl is getting married (not "my" baby but my Mom's baby). I've always referred to my Lulu as "my baby girl" because I was 10 when she was born and like a little mom to her. When I was a teenager (all 13 years of me) people would actually ask me if she was my baby, yeah right. Anyway, Congrats "baby girl" and Les (we can't wait to meet our new bro-in-law and uncle - get ready to be overwhelmed by girls)! (Photos courtesy of Bella Design Studios - aka "my Juicy").


Constance said...

Your presence was sorely missed! It wasn't quite the same without you Sweetheart! I love you more than you know!

The Les N Lou Blog said...

I do with you could have been with us today. =( Thank you. I can't wait to see you guys. Well I'll enter a family of boys so it's only fair that he enters a family of =D

Kim Dampier said...

So good to see you the other day...I'm glad that we ran into you and the girls! Congrats to your sister! Awesome photos! I love looking at her blog!

Here is Michelle's blog as promised!
Take care!
