Friday, May 23, 2008

A Visit With The Doc

Okay so I'll share this one time so I don't have to keep sharing it with everyone and I'll even spare you some of the details. I had my annual oh so fun girly appointment with Dr. Penney (DP) today. I decided to talk to him about the fact that we've been working on #3 since December and haven't had any luck. For the girl whose been pregnant 5 times and 2 out of the 5 times I was on the pill I felt this was a little unusual.

Coincidentally my schedule and the universe were in perfect alignment on this very day and DP got to see what he needed to see (actually no coincidence just the awesome God we serve because I seriously considered rescheduling the appt for another time). Evidentally I have a cyst on my right ovary which is blocking "my girls" from hooking up with "the boys" or something like that.

DP is about to retire (like within a month or two) so he suggested that we get aggresive and work on getting me pregnant before he retires for good (for clarification Corey will do his part and DP will just be helping the process along ;-)). DP's been threatening retirement since right after I had Aly in 2004. He's been slowly working up to it by cutting back his time in the office, not delivering babies anymore, etc. So with the perfect universe alignment I was able to start some fertility meds today. I go in for labs tomorrow and then a scan in about a week and a half. It kind of feels like a whirlwind. DP was throwing out all this lingo and info about what we were going to do. I said just let me know what time to be here and I'll let you do what you do best.

Even though I see a fertility doc we've never been through this part of the process. Getting pregnant wasn't the problem but staying pregnant was. DP put me on meds during the 1st trimester of pregnancy with both girls and the rest is history. I'm really glad I decided to go in and see him for my check up because I honestly thought I was just stressed out with the move and Corey being in and out of town. I'm confident that we will have success, the best part is the warning label on this medication that I am currently taking:

USING THIS MEDICINE MAY result in multiple pregnancies (twins, etc.)

I'll keep you posted!

1 comment:

Constance said...

Like I said, Joel and Junior! What fun that could be! I thoroughly enjoyed my time wt=ith all of you! I love you! I look forward to spending more time with Corey since I barely said hi to him at the Curries, visiting with Lois!
Love, Mom/GIGI
(Not GIGI the dog! Ha ha!)