Thursday, January 8, 2009

Mid-Week Update

Since I am working oh so part-time with MOD we enrolled the girls in preschool 1 day a week every other week. As I was filling out the enrollment paperwork one of the questions was "Was does your child like to be called?". I called Aly into the kitchen and asked her to which she responded "Aly-Cat". I told her that they weren't going to call her Aly-Cat at school since it's kind of a family nickname so how about "Aly". She was fine with that. So yesterday was their first day of preschool and when I picked them up in the afternoon Aly's teacher, Miss Marci, informed me that she gave Aly a nickname because she has two Aly's. The nickname she gave Aly was of course Aly-Cat. I guess Mom was wrong and Aly was happy! The girls did really well at preschool considering that they have been out of the daycare environment for a year and they cannot wait to go back. They were already asking this morning if they could go today.

Another funny Aly story:
We were in the car the other day and Ashley's new thing is that she wants to listen to music. So the conversation goes something like this:

Ashley: "I want to listen to music"

C & J: "NO, how about peace and quiet"

then all of the sudden Aly starts to belt out: "It's too late to apologize, too late. How's that for some music Ashley."

Seriously, where do they come up with this stuff?? So MOD is going well, I had a corporate meeting downtown yesterday and it felt good to put on my high heels and sit amongst the working class. I am going to tour the NICU at Children's hospital soon and I could not believe the size of preemie diapers, they wouldn't even fit the girls baby dolls! It's nice to go in once a week and work from home the rest. I had this luxury at my previous jobs but now instead of putting in 40+ hours a week it's only 10 1/2. Plenty for me to handle right now! This weekend my Omi (german for grandma) is taking us to the Disney World's of Fantasy show at Scottrade downtown. We are really looking forward to it, it should be a lot of fun. Hopefully I'll have some fun pics to post.

I thought this was interesting, the diaper on the right is the girls Baby Alive diaper and the diaper on the left is a preemie diaper. Can you even believe how much smaller it is compared to the baby dolls diaper?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So cute, can you believe that you will have some little buns to put in that diaper soon?!?!
