Monday, January 5, 2009

It's The Simple Things

Like the new programmable coffee maker we got for Christmas! Hurray for coffee when you wake up on the Monday morning after the Christmas and New Year's holiday. With all of the relaxation time over the past few weeks we all got really spoiled by sleeping in.

I don't know about anyone else but I am excited about the new year and excited to put 2008 behind us! 2008 was a great year, we had our share of excitements (moving, new house, the baby) and trials (duplex, need I say anymore) but I am ready for a fresh start.

Speaking of fresh starts I start my new part-time job with March of Dimes today. Should be fun to be back in the non-profit and working world again, even if it is only part-time. It seems like this family has a knack for starting new job's the Monday after New Year's. Last year on this same day was Corey's first day at MasterCard. Boy am I glad to not be going through that again, the first half of the year was so challenging with him being in STL all week and us being in Columbia.

Now if I could just get a donut...I am over bagels and cream cheese and now the baby is craving Heaven Scent or Paul's donuts, either will do. Pregnancy is the only time I allow myself to truly enjoy these type of indulgences without feeling guilty. We had to pass the Heaven Scent Bakery four times yesterday while going to and from church and can you believe that my hubby did not stop once to get the baby a donut even after all of my hinting about craving donuts. What's a girl to do? I guess I'll have to get my own donuts. So happy Monday to all of you, this year will be fantastic and I hope that someone gets a donut today!


Anonymous said...

Good luck with your job! And get that baby a donut! :)


Here's to 2009~

Jennifer said...

That's so funny, I have also been craving donuts...cake donuts with chocolate frosting and sprinkles. But I can't find anyone around here who makes them like I like them...not too glazy. If you get your hands on some, send them my way :)

The Ellis Family said...

I went thru the donut stage also, but I'm finally done with it! I'm more on the 7-eleven cherry slurpees! And I understand the hinting, you can hint all day, I mean I have even said, "You know what sounds good...?" He still didn't get it, then I would have a meltdown and a couple hours later I would have in my hand whatever it was that I was craving. I've sorta been mean this pregnancy! Opps! But come on, 3rd pregnancy, you should know by now!! LOL