Tuesday, October 21, 2008

First Picture

Yesterday was our first ultrasound for Baby Number 3. When I saw the heartbeat for the first time, blinking on the screen it brought a tear to my eye. I guess it doesn't really matter if it's your 1st or 3rd the feeling is still the same, incredibly amazing. According to the doctors' calculations I was 6 weeks and 1 day yesterday and I measured exactly 6 weeks and 1 day. That gives us a due date of June 14th.

I'll remain under the care of the specialist for a few more weeks and then I have an appointment to meet my new doctor on November 3rd. It seems as though morning sickness (all day sickness) is kicking in. I haven't thrown up yet but boy am I nauseous. A few weeks ago I was reading one of the blogs that I follow and the girl is in her first trimester of pregnancy and experiencing morning sickness. Me in all of my maternal bliss of just finding out I was pregnant made the comment "morning sickness is a good sign, it means everything is progressing along perfectly". Ha...now a few weeks later I need to keep reminding myself of this and if someone says that to me I might just punch them! Seriously though...I am very thankful to be experiencing this. I did tell Corey this morning that I thought it might be easier to work while you are pregnant rather than stay home with you other children. At least when you are working you don't have to worry about taking care of anyone but yourself during the 8 hour workday. Again...I am thankful for the opportunity to stay home it's just hard work at times.

OK enough whining but I only have 34 more weeks left to use the "pregnancy card".


Pam Hopkins said...

Congratulations, Jenn! I am very happy for you to have a "new one" on the way! Maybe we will be able to see more of you and your family now that you live in St. Charles.
Love, Aunt Pam

Jessica Leija said...

Awww! There is my future niece/nephew! I cant wait to see you in a few weeks!

Constance said...

Yippee! He is looking good!
Love, Mom/GIGI

Anonymous said...

Glad you are feeling sick, that is a good sign!!!:) And June 14th is a perfect due date-Jackson's birthday and Flag Day, a very patriotic day, and a holiday most people overlook....tho most people don't have their babies on their actual due date, I never did! :) Take care of yourself! Love the dance pics too!
