Saturday, August 18, 2007

Help Us Fight Heart Disease & Stroke

The 12th Annual Columbia Heart Walk is next weekend and I would like to encourage all of you to help support my team and our fundraising efforts. Funds raised through events such as the Heart Walk have led to multiple medical advancements including pacemakers & CPR. Do you know anyone who has a pacemaker? Do you know of someone who has performed CPR? These advancements would not be available without the support of many generous people.

My grandparents, Omi and Opi are both heart survivors. Omi has a pacemaker and Opi had to have by-pass surgery a few years ago after he suffered a major heart attack. My grandparents are very special to me and I feel so very blessed that even my girls have the opportunity to know their great-grandparents. In fact, we are meeting them for lunch today and Aly is bouncing off the walls because she can't wait to go to St. Louis to see Omi & Opi.

My Gram was a two-time stroke survivor. Unfortunately she passed away about a year and a half ago but not before she got the opportunity to meet her second great-granddaughter, Ashley. As I was growing up, Gram was always there for me with a hug, advice or just a listening ear. I think of her just about everyday and I can hear her voice in my head as to the comment she would have regarding any and every situation. Gram was an amazingly strong woman whom I admired and respected greatly. She helped to mold me into the person I am today.

In my opinion, grandparents are one of the greatest generations of people who will ever impact your life. When you are younger, they are cooler than parents because "they get it". They love to spoil you and shower you with unconditional love and affection (I'm not going to lie, the presents are nice too!). When you become an adult you realize how much wisdom they actually have and it's at that time too that you also realize just how valuable time spent with them really is because you don't know how much time you have.

It is so important to me that we keep making medical advancements as it relates to stroke and cardiovascular disease. My girls simply adore all of their grandparents and I want them to be able to make life-long memories with their grandparents as I have made and continue to make with mine. So here's to my grandparents, we are walking in memory of Gram and in honor of Omi & Opi. Here's also to my parents (all of them) for loving my girls completely and unconditionally. One of the greatest things that I have experienced as an adult is watching my parents interact with my children. Now that my parents are grandparents I realize that "they get it too".

If you would like to make a donation to the Columbia Heart Walk you can go to:

If you are not comfortable making a donation on-line feel free to make your checks payable to AHA and send them to our house directly. I will divide the donation amongst our family and turn it in to our local office. Thank you in advance for your support of our efforts, your donation is truly appreciated. As you can see from up above, your donation has truly made a difference in our lives.


Constance said...

How was your weekend? I got Aly's message last night. I'll try and call you later, Dad is flying out to Seattle and I have had to rearrange my work schedule a little bit earlier today so I can take him.
Love, Mom

The Les N Lou Blog said...

i miss you guys!

The Les N Lou Blog said...

ha ha. you guys really should move to texas!!! love you!