Thursday, August 23, 2007


I cannot believe I am actually going to admit this. By telling this story I have given up my right to tease Corey about his " women's restroom" escapade in Puerto Vallarta. So here goes...

I had some extra time in between appointments today so I decided to run into Kohl's to look for a couple of things. I picked out what I was looking for, made my purchase and then decided that I better use the restroom before heading to the next appointment. At this point I know you already have an idea of what happened next.

I go into the bathroom, take care of business, wash and dry my hands and as I am walking out I look up and see not one but two urinals! For a split, we are talking split, second I thought "what the heck are urinals doing in the women's restroom?" It was at that time I realized I had just used the men's restroom, GROSS!

Thankfully there was no one else in there, I cannot imagine the look that would have been on my and anyone else's face if there was actually someone standing at the urinal. I quickly exited the restroom and as I was walking out this lady comes walking out of the family restroom and kind of gives me a funny look. I just put on my best game face, held my head high with my shoulders back and walked confidently out of the store.


Constance said...

Yup! ALMOST been there, done that! Dad & I went to the dollar show a couple of years ago. After the movie, I had to go to the bathroom because I had had popcorn & a soda. I hate how there are no doors, just an entrance for bathrooms these days! Anyway...I began walking inside and I saw a guy standing with his back to me at the urinal. I likewise thought, "What the ..." Then realized I was the one who was out of place! It happened in a split second but it fe;t a whole LOT longer!

The Les N Lou Blog said...

ha ha mom's done that before!

Connie Marie said...


Oh Ladiessssss--- that must be so embarrassing, I would not know because *looks at fingernails* I've never done this before, :-D