Friday, August 17, 2007

He Thinks He Is So Funny

I hesitated to post this because I didn't want to offend anyone but then I thought, there are only a couple of people who read my blog anyway so what the heck. I must preface this by saying, please do not take offense, it's all in good husband and wife fun.

So last night Corey is playing with the girlies and the phone rings. I answer it, it was a solicitor so I tell them I am not interested and hang up. Corey comes into the living room and says, "Who was on the phone"?. I said "Special Olympics", then Corey says "we're they calling to see if you were going to be able to compete this year"? Ha Ha. Very funny.

I do have to admit, that was a pretty good one so I'll let Corey have it this time, I mean he so rarely comes up with something funny to say anyway, I don't want to burst his comedic bubble.


Steven said...

haha, awesome! So did you call them back? :-)

Jenn said...

You boys are just plain mean! Mom was right, "everything we needed to know we learned in Kindergarten, BOYS are STUPID!"

Constance said...

I have to admit Jenn, he nailed you really good! You're right about boys being stupid but sometimes they're funny too!

The Les N Lou Blog said...

OH man that was pretty good. And i figured since i had been commenting that you had figured it you that i had a blog. I can't remember if i told you that i found a sign at hobby lobby that said haute couture.