Sunday, June 22, 2008


Yes, I've been slacking on my blog. Things are getting pretty busy around here. This past week has been absolutely incredible and all the glory goes to GOD!

Here are the highlights:

1. Last months' fertility treatments did not work but I went in for an ultrasound on Thursday morning and it revealed that the cyst(s) on my ovaries were gone!! They must have shriveled up and went away just like I prayed for. We started our second round of fertility treatment last Thursday so I'm believing that this month will be the month.

2. We have a firm closing date on our new house...July 18th!

3. We have tenants moving into the house that we currently live in on August 1st and they want to buy it after they get settled. No more open houses or signs in our yard and when they are ready to buy no realtor commissions!

4. MasterCard made Corey a full time offer and he accepted it!! Yea, this means he gets paid for holidays, vacations, etc, bonuses, profit sharing, 401 K match, better (and less expensive) health insurance...the list goes on. Corey applied for an FTE position with MasterCard back in November and while he was going through the process he got hooked up with a tech company and they ended up hiring him as a consultant to do a 12 month contract with MasterCard. The position that MasterCard just offered him was actually a position above the position that he applied and interviewed for in November.

So as you can see it's been a pretty exiting week. We've been sowing seed towards this for a long time, being consistant, steadfast and not waivering in our faith. I'm so glad that the harvest has started! I'm going to sit back and enjoy the moment because it won't be long before we have a new set of things stretch our faith for.

This whole house thing has stretched our faith the farthest that it has ever been stretched, at least at this point in our lives. We came to Columbia 8 years ago, lived in an older apartment, no kids and made a salary of about $22K per year while Corey went through engineering school. I can remember entertaining and cooking lots of chicken marsala for our friends in that tiny apartment with ugly cabinets and a green countertop. At that point in our life our faith was stretched just by tithing the first 10% of our income and then trying to figure out how we were going to pay a $75 car insurance bill.

In April, we finally decided to build a house in STL instead of purchasing a pre-existing home. I was completely freaked out about starting this project without a contingincy on the home we already own. We prayed about it, felt at peace and finally got to the point where we truly just let God take care of it. We just kept saying "He will never see His seed forsaken or His children begging for bread"..."or standing in a welfare line" (quote from a famous Columbia Pastor).

I remember desiring just one we are about to have 3 (almost 4, the duplex counts as 2 houses to me) - Lord, I'll sell the rentals anytime - with multiple houses comes multiple responsibility - I'm glad God has faith in us to handle it, desiring just one we have 2 and are working on 3, desiring a job that paid well and where I didn't have to work I don't have to work at all. Gosh...can I just tell you how good God is to those who are God be all the glory because greater is He that's in me than he who is in the world.

As I close out this post maybe "Slacker" isn't the right title because in all of these years God has certainly not "slacked" on us.


Constance said...

Don't you just love how we get an opportunity to sit back and watch God work? It's as if He says,

"Now, I can finally do what I've wanted to do for you because you've allowed yourself to trust me and the fact that I know what is best for you!"

Go God!
Love, Mom

Anonymous said...

God has certainly been good to us...sometimes it is not always easy to see his plan, but in the end you always know it was for the best, he knew all along what he wanted for you! Glad to hear that you have a renter/buyer for your house! Miss you guys this past week!
