Tuesday, June 24, 2008


That's what I had done yesterday, Hysterosalpingogram. It was about as much fun as giving birth except you can get drugs when you have a baby and you get to bring a sweet little bundle of joy home!

DP wanted to do a test on me to make sure that my tubes weren't blocked. They basically put a dye into you and take X-rays to watch the dye run through your uterus, tubes, etc all the while pinching you in with a very long pinching instrument in places that I care not to mention. Oh yeah and asking you to turn from one hip to the other while they're still pinching. Fun stuff!

I had absolutely no idea what to expect and that was a good thing. When I got home I googled the test and all these message boards came up about how bad it hurt and to take Xanax and valium before the test. Nice, huh. My nurse did tell me to take 4 Advil so I did. The good news is everything is clear and the dye ran through perfectly. Fortunately I won't have to do this test again. DP wanted to do it before we move to STL so that I have all of the preliminary stuff out of the way and because he's retiring. His last day in June 30. I told him my home movies were not going to be the same without him. I'm believing that the IUI that we do next week will work and that I will find two lines on a stick by the time we move.


Constance said...

I am continually amazed at how far medicine has come! Even back in the day when I was younger having you kids, this stuff was unheard of and now it's pretty basic stuff!

Your "hysterosal-pinch-ogram" sounds like a bit of unpleasantness that in the end will pay off in a huge way. Okay, not HUGE but maybe 20 inches long!

Love, Mom

Adoption Momma said...

I feel your pain. I had that done a few years ago. Ouch! I told the staff that the dye looked like chocolate.

Connie Marie said...

Jenn, I said a prayer for you. May God bless your desire for a new little one and may His Son be praised because of it.

Gigi needs another reason to blog!