Thursday, March 20, 2008

Texas, Here We Come!

Our journey to Texas started at about 4:15 am yesterday morning. Corey got the little ladies and I to the airport and helped us check our baggage so that we would be ready for 7:05 am takeoff. The girls did pretty good on the flight, Ash had a little meltdown at one point because the flight attendant was making her keep her seat belt on and she wasn't very happy about that. Other than that, everything went really well considering I was traveling with a 2 & 4 year old

Mom and Auntie Lou were waiting for us at baggage claim, we got all of our stuff and then loaded up the car, met up with Aunt Jessie and her girlies (on the side of the road) and then headed to the Fort Worth Zoo. We had a fun day at the zoo, the weather was beautiful, probably the best zoo weather I have ever experienced.

After the zoo, we all headed back to Gigi & Grampy's house for relaxation and family time. We enjoyed an evening of pizza, American Idol, Auntie Lou trying on her gorgeous wedding gown (she looked so beautiful practicing for us I can't imagine what it's going to be like in October when she actually gets married), meeting Uncle Les, Opening presents from Auntie Lou (she loves to spoil her girls), wrestling with Uncle Chaz and get the picture, it was a busy but fun night. The girls and I crashed, hard, at about 9pm.

Today we'll head to Aunt Jessie's and Uncle Steven's house. Aunt Jessie is going to photograph the four girls in her studio. I bought them all coordinating outfits from Gymboree so they should look pretty cute. We'll spend the day doing "girl stuff". Uncle Chaz is coming with so he will be the only guy out of all 8 of us girls, if only all guys could be as lucky as him!

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