Monday, March 17, 2008

Blarney - Go with it, it's St. Patrick's Day!

So Mom tagged me for a meme, whatever that is. It's the first time I've been tagged. Since we are leaving for STL tomorrow and Dallas on Wednesday I am going to be a spoiler and not do the meme. I don't have time to think of 8 things about me that my readers don't know, besides I have too much laundry and packing to do so that we can hit the road at 6am sharp (when Corey has to be somewhere you leave "sharp")tomorrow morning.

I read Mom's meme on her blog and thought #8 on Mom's list was a fun fact to share with all of you about our family:

8) I have been to Graceland, Big deal right? Nope. I went when Elvis was still alive!! He and my father met when they were both stationed in Germany while in the Army. This is where my father met my mother as well. My mother met Elvis while working in a store in town. He would come in and shop and she waited on him (he also gave her his autograph.) While we were in West Memphis visiting my aunt & uncle, we went to Graceland to see Elvis! He had told my folks to stop by any time they were in town visiting my dad's brother and his wife!

Happy St. Patty's Day to you!

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