Sunday, September 7, 2008


We had a ton of rain last Thursday and every time it rains we are continually frustrated by the water that accumulates in the empty lot next to us and our back yard. Supposedly the Homeowners association in partnership with the builder are working to take care of this problem. You know you have issues when your kids
look out the window and ask if they can go swimming, uh...I don't think so. I was glad the rain finally subsided otherwise my project for next week was going to be starting the Arc!

PS - Check our our new Vinyl fence, didn't Corey do a great job!!


Jessica Leija said...

Corey did that fence?! It looks great! The grass is so green too; I am so jealous! Here in Texas we have been put back on watering we now have beautiful brown and dead grass.

Jenn said...

Don't be too jealous, we got a call from the water company last Friday confirming (asking) if we really used 70,000 gallons of water in August. That equals a $225 water bill, ugh! And yes, Corey did the fence, that wasn't the original plan, we had hired a contractor to do the job but we had some issues with the HOA and the fence. Corey ended up paying the contractor and his grandson on the side to help him put up the fence last Saturday.