Wednesday, March 31, 2010


Unprepared is how I feel! Just got home from a short getaway to Boston with the hubby...he's there on business so I tagged along for two (very short) days. I would like to go back to Boston someday because it rained the entire two days I was there. We are talking dumped buckets of rain on me and beat my umbrella up to a pulp. We didn't take many pics although I do have a good one of Corey trying on the posh hotel robe and slippers while posing with a $9 bottle of water. He has the camera so I'll post it when he gets home. We ate at a few great places and even enjoyed the famous Mike's Pastry.

So I'm totally unprepared for the upcoming Easter weekend. Good thing Easter's not about chocolate, bunnies or eggs cuz I'm not sure how much of that we will be getting once I am finally able to get to the store.

Even though the rain put a mild damper on the trip it was great to be able to hang out with my hubby and remember what life is like when you are able to focus on each other and not wiping butts, feeding bottles, running to lessons, etc. I wouldn't trade any of it, I'm so happy to see my kiddos! It's just nice to get a break every now and again (thanks g-ma!).

1 comment:

Constance said...

I remember those days! The get aways are a LOT of work, all the preparation that goes into it and then all of the catch up once you're back. They are so worth it though! It is nice to reconnect and focus on each other! That's exactly what a healthy marriage needs! The irony is that when a marriage needs that the most (while raising little kids) it's the hardest to fanangle!

Easter has snuck up on me this year. Granted I don't have to do Easter baskets anymore but the grandkids Easter cards are going out today and usually I am more timely than this!

I'll chat with you later today and find out more about your trip and Miss Beazley's Doc appt.
Love, Mom