Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Feeling Worn Out

Some days you have more energy than others! Our church had a 30 hour Bible Bootcamp for the kids ages 3-11 last Thursday and Friday so I've been trying to recover from that. I'm having a hard time keeping my head above water the last few days. I need some serious downtime. I keep telling Corey I need a tropical vacation, just the two of us. I need to lay around poolside with a good book, get some sun on this very white body and only worry about myself for a few days.

This week seems just as busy as the last. My sis is in town from Dallas for a few weeks so I will be seeing her and my nieces on and off for the next few weeks. Corey's having a minor procedure this Thursday (no more kids for us), I have to wrap things up with March of Dimes this week. My grant expires on July 5th and to make things "legal" I have to take a month off and be rehired back on in August. I'll be a temporary employee for another 6 months and hopefully they will be able to create a permanent position for me based upon our success. It's 4th of July weekend and we have our annual family BBQ on Sunday. Geesh, I'm already tired just thinking about all of this.

I've been catching up on blogs this morning, I don't have near as much time for blogging as I used to. I'm sure that will change when we get into the swing of things. One of the blogs I visit had pics from the family's vacation and they have two very beautiful girls. Corey and I have been reflecting on our own beautiful girls since Al starts Kindergarten in 7 weeks. The pics of their girls and thinking of our own girls reminded me of a funny thing Corey read that he was telling me about. We were getting ready or had just had Joel and we were discussing circumcision. He said "When you have a boy you only have to worry about his penis, when you have girls you have to worry about everyone else's penis." Wow, this is funny but so true!

One more thing I want to share is the birth announcement that my sister designed for Joel. It's just a rough draft, we have a little more tweaking to do before we go to print but it is absolutely precious. Enjoy!


jamie said...

I just love that birth announcement. I don't think that I have every seen one as cool with newborn pictures!
Oh, and thanks for making me feel over the hill. I can't believe that AJ will be starting school. Soon she will be more independent than she already is. God help us!! I don't even want to think about it.
Have a great day,
Love You All,

Kim Dampier said...

I saw this on FB! It is sooo darn cute, I love it!! She did a fabulous job!!

Constance said...

Hey there I will hold you to the "not sending any more presents back to Texas" comment you left me! I am feeling so much better today!

I guess that little procedure is getting here quicker than I suddenly realized! Good luck with that whole tropical vacation fantasy you got going on there! If you can pull it off you deserve it!

See you really soon!
Love, mom

michelle said...

Your sister is so talented! I love that birth announcement. Hang in there. You're right, you do need a tropical vacation. Couldn't you leave the kids with the inlaws for just 48 hours and go to Lodge of the Four Seasons and lie by the pool just the two of you?

Chas said...

Love the birth announcement! I love Corey's comment about the penis. How true that is when you have a little girl or girls!!!

jamie said...

Hello Again!
See what happens when you blog? Okay, these people don't know me very well, do they? You want to go tropical, just give me a call. I will play Grandma all week long!
Love you guys,

Jenn said...

J - Will you pay for my trip too? You know you love me! I know I can always count on you to rescue me! Hopefully it's Cabo San Lucas in the spring...maybe I can sit poolside this Friday while you've got the girlies. Love ya!

Amy said...

Love the birth announcement.