Sunday, April 18, 2010

Opening Day & Zoo Trip

Couldn't resist getting a pic of Joel is his "Opening Day" gear. Opening Day is like a national holiday in St. Louis, this is our second year being back in the "Lou" for Opening Day. I guess I was too preggo last year to notice or care what a big deal it is.

Daddy took the day off on Friday and we took our first trip of the season to the zoo. The stingrays won't be there til this weekend so that was a bummer but we spent a few hours there and had a great time.

Side story, Aly is getting her hair trimmed this Tuesday and in Sunday School we've been talking about the scripture that talks about God knowing the number of hairs on your head. Aly's comment was "Now God's going to have to start all over again...counting my hairs....since I'm getting it cut". Isn't that sweet? Much better than our previous "baby" conversation!

1 comment:

Constance said...

GOSH how I MISS these cuties! I am going to have to try and do the zoo one of these times I am in town for a while! Aly is such a sweetheart! Don't you just love how the innocence and acceptance of God's Word by children, just sets an example to us!? Lets you and Corey now that you are raising your kiddos in the nurture and admoniton of the Lord!
Love, Mom/GIGI