Wednesday, December 23, 2009

2 More Days

I put this on Facebook but it's too cute not to blog about. Ashley is not a big fan of milk. I make her drink not even 1/2 a cup at dinner every night (I am talking those little plastic cups that the kids get with their kid's meals at restaurants). We are constantly on her to finish her milk. Last night she brought her dishes to the sink, looks at Corey and says "I finished my milk so can I open a present?". Sometimes she's too funny for her own good!

The highlight or should I say lowlight of last week was I hit a parked car in the parking lot of Aly's school with the new van. Nice huh...I can think of much better things to spend my deductible on...especially at Christmas.

The real highlight of last week was we moved Joely into his own room, upstairs. This was all Daddy's doing, Mommy wasn't ready but I have to admit it is nice not having to sneak around my own room so that I don't wake the baby up.

I completely finished my Christmas Shopping yesterday...this includes all the odds and ends. Coincidentally Corey finished his yesterday too. He started and finished all on the same day...he should be finished since he only has to buy for 1 person. But he does a mighty fine job. I gently reminded him that there was a Tiffany's at Plaza know just in case he forgot to place his order online in time for a Christmas delivery.

The kids are super excited about Christmas this year. Every day they are eating the chocolate out of their advent calendar squealing about how many more days til Christmas. They have gotten to open some of their presents early. We've been letting them open presents for about a week and a half now. This has worked out nice because they are actually able to appreciate what they are getting from each person instead of being completely overwhelmed on Christmas morning.

I think we are going to make our gingerbread house today and head over to the mall to visit Santa. Nothing like getting down to the wire on the Santa visit. Aly's is pretty concerned that the elves don't know how to make American Girls so she wants to visit Santa so she can tell him for herself. I told her not to worry because sometimes Santa does his shopping on-line too.


Kim Dampier said...

That story is too cute!! Good thing you got it down in writing! I also told the kids that Santa shops for underwear at Gymboree, and I'm positive that he has AG connections, Em got one last year!!

Merry Christmas!! Your cards were adorable!

Chas said...

American Girl dolls are a hot item this year too. Riley wanted one and I think Santa might deliver. Have a Merry Christmas.