Sunday, December 23, 2007

Up Too Early!

Good Morning to all (well at least Mom, I already checked her blog and I know she's up). So it's Sunday morning and I've been awake since 5:30 am. That's what happens when you get up at 5:05 am every day of the week.

I saw from the comments on my last post that I am getting my usual "It's been a week since you posted" harassment. So here goes...

A lot has been happening in the Hively household the last week. Corey accepted a job with MasterCard International in St. Louis, he put his resignation in with his employer, I put my resignation in with my employer (my last day of work is January 15th...forever...well at least for now), he starts his new job on January 7th. He'll be working in the fraud analysis department at MasterCard converting their old legacy systems and code to something new and more high tech. I hope that's right Corey, I know there's more to it...have a little mercy, I'm doing my best to talk the "geek talk".

Corey will be staying with his grandparents during our transition. We are super excited about moving back home but it's also bittersweet. Columbia has been our home for the past 7 years. Being here has been our foundation for everything we are today (well our parents started the foundation when we were little but God through our Pastors have made us a "firm foundation"). We have made, what I consider, some of the best friendships of our life. Anyway, I don't want to talk about this anymore, we have a lot of work ahead of us and for right now I just want to enjoy the holidays.

We are planning to have Christmas "Eve" Morning with the girls tomorrow morning. Aly and I baked cookies for Santa yesterday (peanut butter blossoms). She wouldn't let us take any of them to Grant & Laura's last night or even let Daddy have one because they are for Santa. Daddy informed Aly that Peanut Butter Blossoms are one of "Santa's" favorite cookies. Hmm, I wonder how he knows...

Stay tuned for some good pictures of our Christmas "Eve" morning (probably not tomorrow Grandma). "Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night (err I mean morning)".


Kim Dampier said...

Oh Jenn....that's great news! I know how much you wanted to move back to St. Louis, but know you will be missed here in Columbia! That's awesome that you will be staying home, I know you were looking forward to that! It's the most rewarding job you will ever have! Merry Christmas to you all!


Constance said...

Hi baby girl!

The only better news is if the job had been down here in Dallas ,sorry Jamie ; )

I can't wait to see the pictures. I love you all very much and miss you terribly! I'll be seeing you soon though!

Love, Mom

Sarah Beth and David said...


Connie Marie said...

Good luck with the move. I hope everything packs up just right, and nothing gets lost, the new place is just what you all love and the new year brings all that you need, and want (baby boy). God bless.