Sunday, March 20, 2011

New Chucks

While we were out shopping on Saturday we stopped by the shoe department at Kohls to get Joely some new "Chucks". We sat down on the floor to try on new shoes (Corey insisted on velcro...gag...thankfully he was overridden on that one, we might as well get him some sleeveless shirts to go with that velcro...I think not). After we got the right fit, I slipped the new shoes off of his feet and started putting the old ones back on. You can guess what happened next, he threw himself on the floor and started screaming. I guess even boys like wearing their new shoes out of the store! So Coach store on Friday, new shoes on Saturday...I have a glimmer of hope that he actually might be able to do some shopping with me. Then we go to Wal-Mart...all hope is gone, he seriously acts just like his Dad with even the mention of the word Wal-Mart.

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