Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Cabin Fever?

I told Corey at 10 last night that "I already have cabin fever"! I'm sure it's because I know I can't go anywhere. What should I do? I kind of feel like when you're a little kid and you tell you're mom "I'm bored" and mom says "go clean your room". No thanks. If my half day at home yesterday was any indication of what today is going to be like here is the rundown:

Morning = "Mom, I'm hungry".
Mid-Morning = "Mom, I'm hungry, I need a snack".
Lunch time = "Mom, I'm hungry, what's for lunch".
1 hour after lunch (I'm still in the kitchen cleaning up breakfast) = "Mom, I need a snack".
Mid-Afternoon = "Mom, I need a drink" (yeah, me too).
While I'm cooking dinner = "Mom, I NEED a snack, I'm starving".
Dinner = "eww, what's this"?
Cleaning up dinner dishes = "Mom, can I have dessert"
An hour later = "Mom, now can I have dessert"?
Bedtime = "Mom, I need a drink" (yeah, I'm still waiting for mine too)

I'll let you know how this works out!

1 comment:

Constance said...

some days it just never ends...
Love, Mom

PS The kids have to go to bed some time, did you ever get that drink?