Friday, October 19, 2007

Watch Out!

When you log on to AOL there are about 5 different sections of news that the front page scrolls through and I found one that caught my eye... "Top 5 Sneaky Restaurant Tricks" as reported by SmartMoney.

Still Waters Run Deep: Tap water may indeed be "still" -- no bubbles -- but that's not what your server is offering when he queries "still or sparkling?" The mark-up on bottled water is easily 200%, so going bottled can be as much of a rip-off as ordering a cocktail. Industrywide, bottled water pulls in $200 to $350 million in profits annually, according to Clark Wolf Company, a restaurant consultant. In stores, a 33.8-ounce flat Voss Mineral Water goes for $3.49; in Riingo, located in New York's Alex Hotel, you'd pay $9 for the same bottle. Worse, once you order a bottle, it's rare that you'll be asked if you want another. Your server will simply open another to top off your glass -- and your tab. Today's Tip: If you want tap water, ask for it specifically.

When Corey and I were in San Francisco over the summer this happened to us at a french cafe in the financial district. The waiter gave me the choice between "sparkling and still". I thought I was safe with still, guess again. We paid $7 for a glass bottle of "still" Evian, you bet your $#! that we drank the entire bottle. Good thing we learned our lesson our first night there, tap please!


Constance said...

Don't you hate learninglessons the hard way? They make enough money off of the food but I guess they don't think it's right to "give away" water. Someone is pretty sneaky and you know that they're going to one day, get their comeuppance!
Love, Mom

Connie Marie said...

We ran into this for the first time in London. It is incredible how much people pay for a drink of water! Was so glad to get home and to our ice, cold tap water.