Thursday, July 19, 2012


Have you ever felt guilty?

I've had feelings of guilt lately.  I've been watching some very close family members seem to have their lives crumbling down around them and that makes me feel guilty.

I've felt guilty because I have a loving, supportive, Godly husband.  I've felt guilty because I have 3 amazing children who are growing up in a secure, stable, Godly environment.  I've felt guilty because Corey and I are both blessed with good careers.  I've felt guilty for being able to buy school supplies and backpacks for all 3 children a month before school starts and that it's not a financial burden.  I feel guilty that we are taking our kids on a beach vacation when some of the children that my kids go to school with won't be able to share about their summer vacation on the first day of school.  The list goes on...

About two weeks ago I had one of those "light bulb" moments.  I was listening to a sermon and BOOM it just hit me.  In that moment I took every single one of those "guilty" statements and answered it with "Jesus". 

Matthew 6:33 is one of my most favorite scriptures:
"But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness and all of these things will be added to you".

Seeking God first is exactly what we do.  It's not always convenient or popular to do this.  Some of those around us think we are CrAzY for faithfully serving in the church, attending church on a weekly basis, getting up early every morning to spend time in the word...and GASP...tithing (and don't even think about explaining why the tithe is 10% of your income, and that's just the baseline).  All of the glory truly goes to God because we choose to serve Him.  Isaiah 1:19 says "If you are willing and obedient, you will eat the best from the land".  I choose obedience.