Saturday, December 12, 2009

Date Night

Corey and I actually went out on a real live date last night! Seriously this is only the second time since Joel has been born that we have actually been out by ourselves on a date for ourselves. They only other times we have left Joel is when we've had to do something for other people. Thanks Grandma for taking such great care of the kids and thanks to FCSL for an awesome VIP Banquet. We were able to get all dressed up, enjoy a great dinner and fellowship.

Here's a great picture of the girls loving on their Daddy! Daddy has had a crazy, busy week and is feeling very stressed. His project that he has been working on all year goes into implementation at midnight tonight so this equates to long hours and stress. When Daddy has weeks like these the girls sense it and Aly massages his shoulders while Ashley jumps on his back.

Joel's baby dedication is tomorrow morning and then we will have a houseful of people for lunch. Today is going to be a busy day of cleaning and preparing with a birthday party and two meetings in Fenton thrown into the mix...not to mention Corey's midnight implementation. Meetings Monday and Tuesday...looking forward to Wednesday already!


Constance said...

Hubba Hubba! You look great Jenn! Oh yeah, Corey's not too bad himself!
Love, Mom

Anonymous said...

Hey,I remember that dress! I agree with your mom, you look very pretty. Take lots of pictures of Joel's big day. Wish I could be there.
Love ya,
Sarah B.

Kim Dampier said...

Whoa hot mama! Love the dress!