Thursday, October 8, 2009

Stories For The Day

Gotta love girl drama! The girls test my patience every single school morning with clothes drama. "This is too tight, that is too loose, I have a wedgie" get the point! Last week I told Corey "watch this", and I had Aly pick out her clothes for school the night before. We went through about 45 minutes of drama...I said, "see, this is what I go through every morning".

So what do they get for all of this patience testing? Rewarded! That's right, new Barbies for all! Honestly the new Barbies were for Ashley being the "Top Ba-man-a" at school. That's how she says banana! And Aly's is for getting green behavior bees for one whole month. So Ashley picks out this Barbie with a dog and a dog bathtub, and all the fun dog grooming accessories. The part that cracked me up the most was the Barbie washing the dog in her hot pink high heels...hmmm, sounds like something I would do since those who know me know I wear heels all the time!

Next story, Aly got in trouble earlier this week and even had to miss dance class because of it. When we got home she was sent to her room to write "Obey your parents" multiple times. When I looked closely at the sheet of paper I laughed and told Corey..."even Kindergartners have nicer handwriting than you". If you think I am exagerating, look at the picture, can you tell which one Corey wrote and which on Aly wrote? I rest my case!

Lastly, I am totally loving the magic pills my doc prescribed me...for milk production people...however, on occasion I do think a magic pill for relaxation and less stress doesn't sound like a bad idea...I guess that's what reading my bible will do for me too!

1 comment:

Constance said...

Isn't parenthood fun? I got a good laugh this morning, it made me smile and I needed that!
Love, Mom