It's extremely overwhelming with 3 kids so when I feel more like myself again I'll post more pictures. I'm only allotted one trip up the stairs per day so I have to make my time blogging and posting count. Joel has jaundice so there are a few pics of him with his billi-bed. This requires more trips to the doc and hospital (with three kids in tow). Aly and Ashley love him so much that sometimes I think he needs more air to breath. They are constantly in his face and touching on him.
Corey goes back to work tomorrow morning but his Mom is coming to help me for the next few days with doctor appointments, meals, etc. and then my mom will be in town for two weeks starting this Sunday. I completely missed my Mom for our homecoming yesterday, she has always made it so special. We would come home to nice decorations, a home cooked meal, clean know all the stuff moms are good at. Of course when I came home and Mom was not here I cried...alot. That's when Corey offered to "be my mom" and cook me toast, fried eggs and cereal. He's making me a nice meal on the grill tonight and then Mom promised to make me whatever I want next week.
Enjoy the pics, thanks to all for the congrats and well wishes on the blog and facebook! As overwhelming as it is it is such a blessing from God to be the parents of 3 beautiful and perfect children.
He's perfect! How is it that ALL 3 of your children are birthed looking like the Gerber babies?! No scrunchie faces? No cone heads? SO not fair?! LOL! I can NOT wait to meet my new nephew in a few weeks! I am sure I will boo hoo my eyes out when I hold him just like I did with Aly and Ash!
Aunt Jessy sure can't wait to see you Mr. Joel! Love you Buddy!
Congrats Jenn!!! He's adorable!
CONGRATULATIONS! I have been checking your blog frequently waiting to see the outcome. I knew you were probably super busy with the third one here. He is so cute. Enjoy!
He is perfect. Congrats! How have the diaper changes been? Totally different with a boy, huh!!!
Congrats!! Joes is truly precious. I can totally relate to the overwhelming feeling with the third child. I as well did a ton of crying. You are very blessed with a strong support system. I did not have that. I hit the gate running as soon as I was released from the hospital, having to do everything by myself. I think the true realization occured when I discovered I had three children and God only granted me with two hands!!! Be thankful you have the support of a wonderful husband and the assistance of many. We would love to get together at some point in time and see your lil critters. Take care, and congrats!!
I remember that bed thats what Laney had!!! Take a pic of him in it with the lights and flash off. It makes him look like an alien!! He is sooo freaking cute I hope you know that he WILL be marrying Avery!! LOL!!! Enjoy every min ute of this time with him they grow up soo fast as you know. I am so proud of you and what a wonderful job you did. You looked absolutely great at the hospital!! 12 days and counting until Avery arrives. Love you guys!!!! Nicole
Beautiful, Beautiful precious baby boy!! How lucky are we to have our little families of 5!! You look great with your sweet family!! Congratulations!
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