Wednesday, May 6, 2009

34 Week Baby Update

I had my 34 week doctor appointment yesterday and was told to get some rest over the next couple of days and I have to go see the doc again this Friday. I had been having contractions all day, pretty regular, every few minutes, but I wasn't doubled over in pain plus my blood pressure was elevated. We also determined (the doc & I) that the baby is in a traverse position which means side to side. I guess we are making progress since last time he was breech, he just needs to keep moving himself down. The doc speculated that my contractions were being caused by Joel's position, he said it's not easy on the uterus for the baby to be in that position and quite uncomfortable for think? So that's that. The girls and I are headed into the MOD office for a meeting this morning and then once we get back home it's laying around on the couch watching movies all day with the girlies. Here's to trying to relax!


Nicole said...

I wish I could lay on the couch and watch movies with ya...maybe I will tell mike that my Dr told me to take it easy and my next appt so I can just relax....You know once our babies arrive we wont be relaxing very much!!!

Constance said...

There's light at the end of this tunnel! It won't be much longer!
Love, Mom