I finally got to see my baby boy today! He is measuring quite nicely...I think a little big but we will see what my doc has to say tomorrow. His head is measuring at about the 98th percentile...ouch, but for any of you who know my kids you know that 98% doesn't scare me, it's pretty much the norm for the Hively kids. Just for the record I am 32 weeks 1 day today and his head was measuring 36 weeks 2 or 3 days (don't remember which). Overall I measured 33 weeks 2 days and he is in the 75th percentile. The tech said they don't get too concerned unless you are in the 90th percentile. So this might mean another ultrasound to check his size in a few weeks. He weighed 4lbs 12 ounces.
Corey got to see his "junk" which he proudly stated was in the "99th percentile", nice huh. Do they make Pampers with "extra large crotch" (family joke)? And finally, the little (or should I say big) guy is breech. He's got his head on the one side of my ribs and his feet kicking me on the other side of the ribs and he's butt first. It's time to start praying for the coveted vertex position! Here are a few pics of the other man in my life. He was such a flirt, he kept raising and lowering his eyebrows and opening and closing his eyes. His hand is in front of one of his eyes in these pics. Enjoy!
Ohhhh you so don't know what you are in for in the "junk" department! (or maybe you do!) I swear, they find that thing when they are about 9 months old, and then they NEVER let go of it!! lol I told Bill to tell them how much trouble that "thing" will get them in! Ahh the joys of boys!!
I can't wait! It's been forever since I held a precious baby boy in my arms! I've been scanning tons of pictures of Bub and it's made me all misty eyed!
Love Mom
Okay, so you are getting down to the 6-7 week countdown now. How about another picture? Pleeeeeeze!
Love, Mom
If you look at my links on my sidebar you will see that I have begun another blog, devoted strictly to Genealogy. It's titled "Connie's Genealogy Blog". There will be photos and some of my research information entered here.
Love, Mom
he's so cute!!
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