Tuesday, September 16, 2008


We've been promising Ashley that when she potty's like a big girl she will get to take dance class like Sissy. Well a couple of weeks ago Ash went on the big girl potty before we took Aly to dance class and she didn't understand that in order to take class she had to go on the potty consistently not just Tuesday mornings before dance class. So that morning I dressed her in regular clothes but I let her wear panties. We dropped Aly off at dance and then left to run a few errands. As I took Ashley out of her car seat at our first stop I noticed that she peed her pants. Ugh...good thing I brought extra clothes. She was pretty much like "you told me I could take dance class if I peed in the big girl potty, I did, and now you're not letting me take dance class so I am just going to continue to pee in my pants".

Fast forward two weeks to today. Ashley peed twice in the potty before we left for dance class so I did what any good Mom would do...I dressed her in dance clothes, packed her dance bag and took her to class too. I purposely signed Aly up for a class that had a beginners class at the same same time so that when Ash was finally ready I would only have to make one trip to the studio each week.

Ashley had a big time...she did awesome. Very impressive for a 2 1/2 year old. Her teacher said she had excellent coordination (must have been Coach Bob and Tumblebees) and picked up very quickly. Here are a few pics of her first day. As a side note...it's 2:18 pm and Ash has peed 4 times on the potty and not once in her pants!!


michelle said...

She's adorable!!! She looks so proud. Those are about the cutest pics ever! Congrats Ash!

Dan and Amanda said...

Very cute! Are you able to watch the girls dance? I've been unhappy with the studio Mallory's at b/c the parents sit in a separate room and aren't able to see the kids at all? Is this typical?

Anonymous said...

Good job Ashley! She looks so cute in her little leotard and skirt!

jamie said...

Oh my gosh!!! They are so cute. I can't believe that Ash is getting to be a big girl too. You know what that means Jenn! I can't wait until observation this fall. I never thought I would miss all that dance studio stuff, but I do!
Love You,

Amy said...

That's awesome. She is too cute!

Jessica Leija said...

Good Job Ash! The girls look precious in their dance outfits! :)

The Les N Lou Blog said...

She is too cute. I love her curly pig tales!!

Anonymous said...

uH dUH Where have I been! I LOVE the first pic of her, she looks so cute, and that last pic of her looking down at the boy behind her, priceless!!
