Wednesday, July 9, 2008


Today while the girls and I were eating lunch Aly started asking questions about when she was in my tummy. She thought it was pretty cool that she liked chicken nuggets and Dr. Pepper while inutero. We are having a fun time, joking around about how she would get really excited when I drank Dr. Pepper. She asked me if she was scared in my tummy and then she guessed it..."Mommy, how did I get in your tummy". "Uh, hmmm, well...God makes a special way. You can pray to God and ask him to put a baby in your tummy and when the time is right He will put one in there". I quickly followed it up with "but you have to be married". I figured if I didn't clarify her next comment would be "I'm going to pray that God would put a baby in my tummy".

TMI conversation least for a little while, I'm not sure how long this explantion will last.


Constance said...

And so it begins....
Love, Mom

Sarah Beth and David said...

hey, we will still read your blog. Thanks for caring. This blog is cute!

Dan and Amanda said...

The girls ask me similar questions at least 1 once a week!!!!! I'm hoping my answers satisfy them for quite a while! :)