Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Birthday To My Littlest Lady Bug!

After two weeks of bedrest for high blood pressure Ashley Elizabeth was born on February 15, 2006 weighing in at 7lbs 1 oz. I cannot believe she is 2 years old already. I like to refer to Ashley as our "passion child". Those of you who know Ash know that she has a very strong personality and is very passionate. For those of you who can do "pregnancy math", Corey and I celebrate our anniversary every June 5th so I have "other reasons" for referring to her as our "passion child". In keeping up with the "passion" theme, Ashley was a pleasant surprise. I mentioned that she has a "strong" personality and she wasn't going to let something like say a little birth control pill stop her from making her mark on the world. Celebrating her birthday the day after Valentine's Day is perfect for my little passion child.

I praise God for Ashley's passion and independence. I am truly grateful that He trusted her to Corey and I. I am honored to have the opportunity to raise and mold this beautiful little girl into a woman who will be so passionate for the things of God and be able to lead others to Christ. I know that God gave Ashley passion in her heart and soul for an enternal reason (I just need to remember that when she is having a "passion moment"). I love you "ladybug" and I hope your day is as special as you are to me and your Daddy.


Constance said...

You could also call her Little Lulu! Dad always prayed for a passion for you kids! The trick is taking those personality traits and molding them into positive attributes that God can use. Someone who is independent minded can become bossy or they can be an effective leader. Buckle up guys, you're in for quite the ride! Take it from someone who knows! It pays off in the end though!
Love, Mom

The Les N Lou Blog said...

Hey Hey Mom, what are you trying to say about us passionate independent people?! Anyways I can't believe she's already two Well I wish the little lulu a happy two. Happy Birthday Ashely!
Love---Auntie Lou

Connie Marie said...

..and happy birthday! (said passionately!)

lol at Auntie Lou's poetic happy birthday...