Friday, September 28, 2007


So, let me start at the beginning. Monday night Aly & I were watching a movie while Daddy was at his softball game. She leans over to me and whispers "Mommy, I cut Kayln's hair today at Lisa's" (Lisa is our babysitter). I freaked out, Kalyn is one of our very good friends' daughter and she is just about to turn three and she doesn't have that much hair to begin with. So I called Lisa and couldn't get ahold of her. Aly and I had a very strong talk and I explained that we do not do that and we don't let anyone else cut our hair either. Aly is has a very big imagination at 3 1/2 years old so I figured she must be telling me a story otherwise I would've heard about this when Corey picked them up and brought them home.

Tuesday I dropped the girls off at daycare and told Lisa about mine and Aly's conversation. Lisa said they were playing pretend beauty shop with pretend scissors. I was like "Oh great, pretend scissors, I don't feel like the girls are mature enough to know the difference between pretend scissors and real scissors". Lisa agreed and said she wouldn't let the kids play with them anymore.

Wednesday night at church I told Laura (Kalyn's mom) about the little "freak out" Aly gave me on Monday night and we just laughed about it. We also agreed that the girls should not play with pretend scissors.

Thursday afternoon, I stop at David's Bridal on the way to pick up the girls to order mine and Aly's dress for the wedding in February. After I pick them up it's off to dance class for Aly and then Tumblebee Gymnastics for Ash. Before I stopped at David's Bridal I stopped at Mickey D's to get the girls a little treat (cookies, apples and apple juice) to enjoy in between lessons.

I have to sidetrack here for a minute because while I was in the drive thru at Mickey D's I was reminded of a time when I was about 4 or 5. I took ice skating lessons and my mom had stepped out of the rink to go get me a candy bar for doing a "good job". When she returned to the rink I was laying on the ice crying because I had tripped on the toe pick of the ice skate and busted my chin open. Mom took me to the hospital for 4 stitches. Needless to say I didn't get to enjoy my "good job candy bar" that night. As you read on the you will see why the girls didn't get to enjoy their Mickey D's treats.

Fast forward back to yesterday. I was talking to my sister Jess on the phone when I walked into Lisa's. I put my phone down on the table and Lisa goes "Mom, we need to talk". My stomach sunk - I'm not sure why but I didn't think it was about what I was about to find out. As I looked around the corner I see Aly sitting on Lisa's lap on the couch in her leotard and tights with the most awful mullet you have ever seen in your life (well maybe not the worst but awful for my sweet, adorable, very girly three year old). I don't even remember what I said or the look that was on my face, pure shock and disbelief (especially since we discussed it just this week). Aly and I take one look and each other and she burst into uncontrollable tears and my eyes well up with tears. I literally had no words for her and I think that was one of the hardest things for her was seeing my reaction.

We left Lisa's and went to straight to my hairdresser with our "hair emergency"(no dance class for Aly). Dove did the best she could to even out Aly's hair and then I took her to Claire's to buy some cute, girly headbands. So Aly's free haircut ended up costing me $35 between the
"fix it" haircut and the headbands. We've got 5 months for it to grow out before Sarah's wedding.

I guess Kalyn, Aunna (Lisa's Daughter) and Aly decided to play "Beauty Shop" during nap time with real scissors they found in a bathroom drawer. Aunna's is the worst, it looks like someone took a razor and shaved her head to the round part in the back and then left the back long, it will be hats for her. Kalyn's isn't too bad, she can sport a cute pixie cut once all the chunks start to grow back in.

I'm just thankful that they didn't get ahold of any of the other kids, those three are like "peas in a pod" and where you find one you will find the other two. Normally there are four of them that are really close (they are in daycare together and all friends from church) thankfully Sarah (Lisa's niece and the fourth friend) didn't come that day otherwise I am sure she would be sporting a new "doo" as well!

So as we speak my girly girl is in her girly headband with her short hair smearing lip gloss all over her lips.


jamie said...

Jenn, She is still beautiful! Let's remember true beauty is inside! Also, before you get really upset, I remember Dad telling me a story about a thermometer! Connie, care to add?
Love You,

The Les N Lou Blog said...

That's funny but then again it isn't. i miss you guys.

Connie Marie said...

I love the new do! :-)

Funny story.

Jenn said...

Thanks to all for the comments! It's taken a few days of "getting use to" but it's working out fine. Her hair is more high maintanence now than it was when it was long! My hairdresser taught me how to blow it dry with a round brush and some lifting technique, ugh, but it does look really cute when I take the time with it. You almost can't tell that one side is shorter than the other. I can't wait for ponytails again!

Constance said...

I can not wait to see my girlies this weekend! I don't care if her head is shaved, she's still a little cutie-patootie!

Anonymous said...

Jenn, We are going to be wishing our problems were like this one day. Personally I think she has a future as a negotiator, due to the fact the other two got off worse - she was definutely knowledgeable about styling ablities and potential outcomes. Cheer up, I may have boys... but I am sporting a black eye these days due to some harmless play. -Jill