The other day she wanted to peel the potatoes. I finally relented and let her. If you have ever been out to eat with my kids then you know that they HATE potatoes, even french friends...from Mickey D's! I realized a couple of weeks ago that they will eat REAL mashed potatoes with gravy. I usually just use instant. When we were kids my mom always made REAL potatoes and instant potatoes were a treat so I have never really made real mashed potatoes much. Well finally I'm getting sick of instant and my kids don't like them so I guess Aly will be peeling more potatoes in the days to come.
It's really hard for me to let the kids help me in the kitchen, with cleaning, etc. I have such a perfectionist personality and like to have everything in just the right place and order that when they want to help it seems to make more work for me. I am trying to relax (and keep my blood pressure down) and let them help a little more. I can definitely use it more now than ever! It seems like after you've carried more than 2 kids pregnancy gets so much harder on your body. I guess because your chasing a couple of kids around, your older and things are stretched out already so the ache much sooner! For me this pregnancy seems like it's taking forever! I'm not complaining...much, after everything it took to get us here I am thankful and feel very blessed to have 3 healthy children. My mom's been requesting a profile picture so I took one while I was in front of the bathroom mirror yesterday. I do not like to have my picture taken when I'm pregnant so this one's for you Mom. You might have to wait until June when I see you in person if you want to see my profile again.